Great Sabbath Ride

Armentrout Path (hard dirt & paved)

On this Great Sabbath, I rode to Overlook Retreat and Camp via Armentrout Path (Rt. 722) north bound off of Mountain Valley Rd (Rt. 620). As is my practice on these long day rides, once I arrive to a planned location, I meditate while cooling down, make coffee with a backpacking stove and spend time reading some chosen text. Today a poem, “Musing Hope” and He Sent Leanness by David Head.
Camp Overlook entrance is located off Airey Lane in Fridley Gap  

Many of our most futile prayers are attempts to dodge the divinely [universally] established fact that we reap what we sow.
        And he gave them their request;
        But sent leanness into the soul
David Head

It is almost banal to say so yet it needs to be stressed continually: all is creation, all is change, all is flux, all is metamorphosis.
 – Henry Miller, Sunday after the War (1944)                


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